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상품상세정보 사용후기 상품문의 배송정보 교환/반품 관련상품  

Full Duplex Wireless Communication
Without A Base Station

When your job calls for split second coordination look to UltraLITE self contained headsets and for hands free, full duplex wireless voice contact.

UltraLITE are revolutionary headsets that eclipse all other full duplex systems for performance and convenience because the transceiver is built right inside the ear cup. This self-contained, “All in One” design eliminates wires and belt worn radios. And since UltraLITE do not require complicated base stations users can remain in constant full duplex voice contact even while on the move.

Standard UltraLITE intercoms provide instantaneous wireless communications for crews that need to communicate without pushing buttons. At the heart of these systems is a specialty base or “MAIN” headset that relays the digital signals generated by up to four “Remote” units. The resulting open line talking pattern allows up to 5 people to talk simultaneously so they can continue working with their hands.

All UltraLITE headsets include EARTEC’s Auto Mute Mic boom technology. These specialty microphone assemblies feature an internal switch that automatically mutes the headset mic gain when set to the UP position. Using AutoMUTE is a simple and efficient way to mute your microphone signal. (Click HERE to learn more)

A terrific feature of UltraLITE systems is that the Lithium Polymer batteries (included) charge externally and are field replaceable. This allows you to purchase and keep spare batteries on hand extending the run time of your system indefinitely. A multi-port charger is included with each new complete UltraLITE intercom that features positive LED indicators. When the batteries reach full charge the corresponding LED turns from red to green indicating that the battery is ready to go.

Since UltraLITE headsets are field programmable all base packages are expandable and can even be incorporated into a HUB or Interface system to accommodate your growing needs.

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제품의 크기와 지역에 따라 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다

렌탈제품이 잘못 배송되거나 제품의 고장시(고객님의 부주의로 인한 고장은 제외함)에는 사용하기 전에
전화주시면 교환 또는 환불해드립니다(렌탈일 이후의 문제 발생시에는 본인 책임으로 간주합니다)
이 상품과 관련된 상품이 없습니다.
회사명: JPKOREA 대표자: 이현주 서울특별시 광진구 면목로 202(중곡동 555-3 1층) 사업자등록번호 : 206-27-45223 / 통신판매 신고번호: 제 2010-서울광진-0638호
전화 : 02-464-2511 / 팩스 : 0505-511-2511 / E-MAIL: jp77@rentalon.com
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